Federal District Judge Blocks Enforcement of Most of New Jersey’s Anti-Carry ‘Sensitive Places’ Laws

Another day and another win for gun owners against unconstitutional laws and anti-gun politicians. Just this week a judge in New Jersey joined the long line of federal judges stepping up for the Second Amendment when she ruled that the plaintiffs challenging New Jersey’s post-Bruen temper tantrum legislation have “a probability of success on the merits of their Second Amendment challenge” when the case is finally fully heard in court. Thus, she issued a temporary restraining order yesterday, again blocking enforcement of most of the new law’s concealed carry bans.

Even though this scheme did not work in New York, and the Bruen court warned states from acting in this way, New Jersey Governor Murphy thought it would be a great idea to try to designate practically the entire state as a “sensitive place” where lawful carry would be prohibited.

The Judge noted that “Plaintiffs have made a strong showing of irreparable harm if the emergent relief is not granted. As discussed above, Plaintiffs have made a strong showing of constitutional injury given their Second Amendment rights as secured by the Fourteenth Amendment. This Court also agrees that “[i]n cases alleging constitutional injury, a strong showing of a constitutional deprivation that results in noncompensable damages ordinarily warrants a finding of irreparable harm.” …

For the full ruling , click here.

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