2ALC Supported Case Filed in Illinois to Challenge "Assault Weapon" Law

This morning a group of Second Amendment advocates, supported by the fundraising efforts and legal knowledge of the Second Amendment Law Center filed a legal action against the State of Illinois AG and the unconstitutional attacks on the Second Amendment by the state.

Those plaintiffs include Gun Owners of America, Guns Save Life, Federal Firearm Licensees of Illinois, Piasa Armory, and other individuals.

In the Protect Illinois Communities Act, the state has placed stringent laws which outlaw the AR-15, and millions of other semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols along with the magazines that feed them. The law even criminalizes possession of gun parts like flash suppressors, muzzle brakes, and collapsible stocks with felony charges. Instantly, upon passage, millions of gun owners are now considered felons.

The Illinois Gun Rights Alliance (ILGRA)(the name taken on by the Plaintiffs) filed the first of likely several lawsuits aimed at dismantling J.B. Pritzker’s crown jewel of gun control in the state. We began with the so-called ‘Assault Weapons’ ban,” said Mandi Sano, FFL-IL spokesman. “As the Governor and General Assembly gleefully strip law-abiding Illinois retailers and gun owners of their gun rights, property rights, and privacy, we will not stand by. We will act.”

The measure remains broadly unpopular, sparking a surge in purchases before the Act’s effective date and drawing the opposition of more than 80 of the state’s 102 sheriffs.

Make sure to follow @2alc on social media and keep up with the latest in this and other supported cases. If you would like to contribute specifically to the fight in Illinois, you can do so by CLICKING HERE