Second Amendment rights litigation is not easy. Prevailing in what is often a hostile political environment in legislatures and courts takes experience, knowledge, skills, and resources beyond what most lawyers and advocacy groups possess or have access to.
Constitutional rights advocacy and litigation is not a new venture for the team of professionals at the 2ALC. For decades, our “A-team” of lawyers, legal and historical scholars, political advisors, and technical experts have been involved in numerous lawsuits on behalf of non-profit advocacy associations such as the National Rifle Association, the California Rifle & Pistol Association, Gun Owners of California, and many others. Our team has also helped industry trade associations, law enforcement organizations, licensed firearm manufacturers and retailers, trainers, shooting ranges, and individual gun owners.
2ALC continues to serve the Second Amendment community in the following ways:
Amicus Support: Our attorneys have been filing amicus (or “friend of the court”) briefs in Second Amendment and other firearms-related lawsuits for decades. With these high-quality amicus briefs, we help educate the courts about important aspects of cases and how decisions impact public policy and the lives and rights of our supporters, gun owners, and all Americans. A well-coordinated amicus brief campaign can make the difference between success and failure.
Impact Litigation: Our experienced legal A-team works in courts nationwide to challenge misguided and unconstitutional restrictions on Americans' right to bear arms. Cases moving through the courts today will establish the scope of the right to keep and bear arms for future generations. The Second Amendment Law Center is fighting on the front lines of that battle.
Legal Research, Analysis and Scholarship: Our attorneys and members of the Center’s Advisory Board have dedicated their lives and careers to generating a substantial body of Second Amendment and firearms-related scholarship. Through this work we provide cutting-edge legal analysis on the firearms-law issues of the day to better equip gun owners, lawyers, advocates, and everyday Americans with the knowledge to fight back against the anti-gun-owner lobby’s never-ending attempts to water down the Second Amendment’s protections.
Public Outreach: We strive to increase awareness of current issues in firearm law and to serve as a comprehensive resource for Second Amendment scholarship, as well as legal analysis of relevant court decisions and pending legislation.
Education & Training: We offer education and training to better equip gun owners, firearm businesses, and the general public in navigating the increasingly complex world of firearm law and regulation. We also offer Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars and webinars for law firms and attorneys interested in learning more about rapidly evolving Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Media Resource: We serve as an important resource for reporters, influencers, and other members of the media seeking to offset common misperceptions and firearms and Second Amendment rights and to provide balanced coverage of the firearms policy issues of the day.
““How a politician stands on the Second Amendment
tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy
and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. ”