Second Amendment Law Center Working Across the U.S.

What a busy year it has been for Second Amendment Law Center and the Second Amendment in general. With the long awaited Bruen decision earlier this year, doors have been opened to challenge laws that we previously were not in a position to challenge and more and more anti-2A states are digging in their heels to try to evade compliance with the Supreme Court’s decision.

We are working to stop the games that these states are playing and set the Second Amendment once again on strong footing while protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

In 2022 Second Amendment Law Center worked to support cases all across the country and we are starting to see wins as those cases work their way through the courts. Now, in 2023, we have even more states reaching out for help in defending their rights from the gun grabbers- Illinois, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, California and Oregon are all in battles for the basic constitutional rights. Second Amendment Law Center is there too.

Please consider following us on Face Book and consider giving to the massive legal battles across the state. It may not be affecting your state now, but it could one day soon.

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