Hawaii: Senate Passes Bill to Bankrupt Firearm Industry

Hawaii: Senate Passes Bill to Bankrupt Firearm Industry

This week, the Senate passed House Bill 426 and the House passed Senate Bill 1230. HB 426 has been transmitted to Governor Josh Green’s desk for his signature, while SB 1230 received a notice of disagreement from the Senate and will be sent to a conference committee to resolve the differences in the House and Senate versions of the legislation.

House Bill 426 aims to undermine the PLCAA and subject licensed firearm manufacturers and sellers to frivolous lawsuits brought to recover damages for the criminal misuse of their products in order to bankrupt them. It contains vague language regarding what is considered unacceptable conduct of business, subject to these lawsuits.

Senate Bill 1230 massively expands “gun-free zones” where law-abiding citizens are left defenseless and also prohibits carrying firearms on private property unless the owner gives affirmative permission. Citizens who carry firearms are required to maintain insurance coverage of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per incident and carry proof of insurance. In addition, the bill creates new subjective criteria for the issuance of carry permits to allow authorities to arbitrarily deny applicants.

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