Huge win for gun owners in Illinois as our Second Amendment Law Center supported case pulls out a Motion for Preliminary Injunction in the Barnette v. Pritzker
Just three short weeks ago we alerted you to the fact that the court combined multiple challenges to the over-reaching gun ban by Illinois. This was a broad-based law that basically turned lawful gun owners into felons overnight simply because they owned firearms that the state suddenly banned. Our team of attorneys moved quickly to get this injunction in place to protect the people of Illinois.
The judge saw through this communist-era attempt to disarm the citizens of Illinois and ordered that the state be ENJOINED from enforcing Illinois statutes 720 ILCS 5/24-1.9(b) and (c), and 720 ILCS 5/24-1.10, along with the PICA amended provisions set forth in 720 ILCS 5/24-1(a).
The state tried to argue that the “common use” provisions in Heller and Bruen only applied to the common use of firearms meant for self-defense and not for other lawful purposes like hunting and the like. The Judge quickly burned that argument to the ground by stating in the opinion, “…this argument is misplaced. Bruen clearly holds that the Second Amendment protections ‘possession and use’ of weapons ‘in common use’ not just weapons in common use for self-defense as the Defense argued.” The court continued “AR-15 style rifles would meet such a test considering that 34.6% of owners utilize these rifles for self-defense outside of their home and 61.9% utilize them for self-defense at home.”
We are pleased to see that the court took these steps to maintain the status quo of gun owners and protect those rights while the case proceeds. We are carefully monitoring what this means for gun owners, but for now it seems that gun shops are once again selling the firearms that the state attempted to ban through these laws.
If you would like to support this case as it moves forward, please DONATE TODAY! Every donation counts.
Stay tuned for more information as the case progresses.