Oral Arguments Monday in Commonwealth v. Donnell

On Monday, September 9th, the Massachusetts Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Commonwealth v. Donnell, a case that could have a significant impact on the ongoing battle over how the Bruen decision is applied.

The defendant in the case, New Hampshire resident Dean Donnell, was charged with carrying a firearm without a license in Massachusetts. Donnell brought a motion to dismiss arguing the Massachusetts law barring carry without a license is unconstitutional at least as applied to him. A similar case with similar legal issues, Commonwealth v. Marquis, has also been consolidated to the Donnell case.

Attorney William Kirk of Washington Gun Law, summarized the cases in a recent video that is a must-watch.

The Second Amendment Law Center filed an amicus brief in the case a criminal matter in Massachusetts state court that represents a chance to score a major victory for nonresident carry rights. The brief was joined by several other groups, including the California Rifle & Pistol Association, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners of California, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, Operation Blazing Sword, Inc., Second Amendment Defense and Education Coalition, Ltd., and Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois, Inc. We filed the brief with the assistance of the Law Office of Jason A. Guida, who serves as local counsel for us on this matter. We encourage Massachusetts residents to contact him with their firearms law and rights restoration needs: https://lawguida.com/. Scroll down for more on our brief in the post below.

Can you really be subject to a crime simply from exercising a constitutional right in another state? That fight is on now and we’ll keep you updated. Subscribe below for further updates and DONATE to help us in this fight!

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