Stay Overturned, Injunction Barring SB 2 Implementation Back in Place

Over the weekend, the stay on the injunction in the case of May v. Bonta was lifted, barring the state from implementing the “sensitive places” aspects of SB 2. The new law, passed this past summer and enthusiastically signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, created almost no place in the state where a concealed carry permit holder can carry a firearm to protect themselves and others.

The California Rifle & Pistol Association secured the injunction last month, only to have it stayed by an order issued in the last hours of the year. The decision to lift the stay puts that injunction back in place and bars enforcement of significant portions of SB 2 and basically protects the status quo for CCW holders in the state.

2ALC remains focused on defeating “sensitive places” laws wherever they are passed through the coordination of amicus brief campaigns that support pro-2A parties in cases like this. We will be aggressively supporting CRPA in this case to help ensure a win…even in the Ninth Circuit!

PLEASE DONATE to help our amicus campaign to defeat “sensitive places” in California!

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