Litigation Team

After completing her B.S. and M.S. from the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Ms. D’Amico received her Juris Doctor from the State University of Buffalo Law School. She was employed from 1996 to 2017 as a Deputy County Attorney in the Monroe County Law Department, in Rochester NY.  The Monroe County Law Department serves as a legal advisor and advocate to the County government. In that capacity Ms. D’Amico had the opportunity to advise the Sheriff on use of force issues and review and develop policy regarding firearms and second amendment related issues, coordinating with courts, ATF, and the US Attorney’s office to safeguard second amendment rights while addressing public safety concerns.

Ms. D’Amico is an NRA Certified Handgun Instructor and Range Safety Officer.  In addition to her firearm studies, Ms. D’Amico has studied and trained in areas including force on force, open hands, improvised weapons, and edged weapons. 

In 2010, she formed “Legal Force E.T.C. LLC”, combining her interests in constitutional law, public safety, and policy together with legal and self-defense advocacy to provide education, training, and consulting in the use of legal force, including the use of non-lethal force. 

Ms. D’Amico has developed a curriculum for civilians and law enforcement in the use of force and has instructed throughout the country. She has also been a repeat instructor at the International Law Enforcement Educator and Trainers Association’s (ILEETA) annual meeting.

Ms. D’Amico is a certified Force Science Analyst. Ms. D’Amico has applied her proxemics training and Force Science Institute’s scientific findings to develop and design media and curriculum demonstrating key legal and factual arguments asserted by attorneys and experts. She has served as a subject matter expert assisting attorneys in commencing and defending cases relating to Second Amendment and constitutional rights. She has also contributed to amici briefs in these areas. Her work has been used throughout the country.    

Ms. D’Amico serves on the Board of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. She has assisted defense counsel throughout New York in defending law-abiding gun owners involving a myriad of issues including red flags, community caretaking, disparity of force, justified force, orders of protection, firearms confiscation, mental health, licensing, and more.

Ms. D’Amico also serves as General Counsel for Kahr Firearms Group, a manufacturer of firearms made in America. She sits on the Boards of NSSF and SAAMI and has participated in NSSF’s Congressional Fly-In events directly advocating for the Second Amendment to members of Congress.

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the constitution by claiming
it’s not an individual right or that it’s too much of a safety hazard don’t see the danger of the
big picture. They’re courting disaster by encouraging others to use this same means to eliminate
portions of the constitution they don’t like.”
— Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Professor of Constitutional Law